
WonderToast Wonders About: The Alphabet!

My comic is now available for purchase on my website!
Buy me here!

Teaching preschoolers their alphabet, WonderToast takes us from A-Z in a most unusual way! Explore some of the world's great culinary delights, and even find them on the map at the end of the book!
Kids and adults alike will learn something new in this fun new comic book.
Only $4 a copy!

Also don't forget the accompanying Alphabet toddler T's that come in K is for Kimchi, F is for Falafel, and N is for Nigiri!
Only $22 for an excellent gift for your little one!

** Don't forget, I ship internationally! **

1 comment:

  1. Hello!! I love your blog. Thanks for your visit. I will return ;)*!
