
Comic Con 2007 Pictures!

So I'm back from SD Comic Con, and it was a blast! This was my first year attending, let alone exhibiting! It was SO much fun, but also really tiring. In that case, I suppose I fit in pretty well with the Tired Girl Collective! They were a blast to work with:

Pictured above are Sherri, Jodi, and me. Karen's not in this picture since she was also working at the Bongo booth...Our table was a huge success, attracting a mostly female audience, being all in pink! It was perfect for us though, since our wares are very cute - a niche thing at this particular event.

Here is my section of stuff - I had my new comic, toddler shirts, my bilingual children's book, and some original paintings (which were almost sold out by the time we took this picture)

Here is me and my friend Aydrea with the illustrious Jaba! You can see the Bun in the Oven maternity shirt I wore too - this and my princess leia maternity shirt were huge hits. In fact, they were so popular, I'll be adding them to my cafe press store shortly.

And lastly this was my favorite costume there - she's the Katamari prince! My other favorite was a Prisoner costume from the 1960s tv show, but I didn't get a picture of him. Well...Be Seein' You!

1 comment:

  1. May I borrow that photo of Sherri, you, and me? It was a fun, if not exhausting, time and you were a great addition!
