
Lead Test Results are IN!

All WonderToast products - books & clothing line - are officially CPSIA compliant!  Hooray!

This means that every component of all my products have tested 100% LEAD-FREE! Please feel confident in our continued dedication to the health and safety of all children.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - Please help keep WonderToast in business by writing to your Congressman in changing the CPSIA laws. As proved by today's XRF gun test results, my products ARE 100% compliant with the law.  However, in August 2009, the testing requirements under this deeply flawed law become TOO EXPENSIVE for me to stay in business!  Third Party Component testing would simply confirm the zero levels I already got, but through a lab that would charge me an estimated $20,000.00 

Help small businesses like mine to stay afloat and continue to provide families with fun alternatives to the boring discount kids products at Walmart & Target!

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